Everybody’s metabolism operates differently and there are no set rules. What is for sure is that by following and taking the “G-Relief “ Capsules you are a lot closer to getting rid of the ganglion cyst than not. Finally, although some people find this medication acts quickly, for most it takes time to dissolve the cyst. If you have had the cyst for years, face it – it’s just not going to go away overnight. For most people, two months is enough to see results. However, for hard-core cases (Over A year old.) it can take as long as several more months. So patience is the word here. Because Release Free® provides a permanent cure for ganglion cysts, it can take longer to work than some of the other temporary solutions. Even with surgery, the cyst grows back in up to 48% of all cases. For best results, you should use G-Relief® ganglion cyst cure for several months and you will no longer experience recurring cysts.
Which G-Relief® Product is Best Suited to Cure My Ganglion Cyst.
[rev_slider FAQ] There are nine different G-Relief® products to choose from depending on the severity of your ganglion cyst. They range from Extra Strength 40-80 gelatin and or veggie caps for the more extreme cases and Regular Strength 50-90 gelatin caps for less extreme cases. To determine whether your ganglion cyst is extreme or not please refer to our Best Results page.