FAQ’S G-Relief Inquiries2020-12-09T11:30:36+00:00
  • FAQ-G-Relief-Caps-Ganglion-SURGERY-Alternative. FDA Certified. INFO: g-relief.com
Our Safety Cap2018-10-11T18:58:01+00:00
G-Relief Safety Caps Natural Alternative to Ganglion Cyst SURGERY Info: ganglioncysttreatment.com


We have the state of the art Safety caps. Many of our customers have inquired as to what is so special about our lining under the cap. When they unscrew our caps they expect to see a liner covering the bottle. Our Special Safety Caps are designed to maintain an air tight covering on the bottle or attached under the cap.
Our G-Relief bottles do not need to be covered by plastic because they have the state of the art liner under the bottle cap. We call it “Our Sealed for your protection” (More Info)

Ordering More Than One G-RELIEF Bottle2018-10-11T18:52:03+00:00
Dear costumers, we feel that ordering more than one bottle is a waste of your monies because you may not need more than one bottle to dissolve your ganglia cyst. We realize that some people would want to save on the shipping cost but if you need to reorder for whatever the reason we will take 10% off your next order provided you use a PayPal account.
Shipping and Handling of Contents in G-Relief Capsules2018-07-03T10:18:30+00:00
Due to packing, shipping and handling contents in the G-Relief capsules, might get lose and seem to be an uneven measurement. Each G-Relief Capsule is tripled packed and measured exactly 500 mg of the nine ingredients shown on our website. The difference of the Extra and the Regular strength is only the potency.
Be Where Of Fraudulent E-Mails2018-07-03T10:18:30+00:00
Some of PayPals customers have complained about fraudulent email claiming that they had canceled their order and as a result caused a lot of frustration to you our customers because you never received your item.

We have implemented a plan to stop that. Within 1-2 days after you have placed your order you will receive an email with your Original PayPal Order form asking you to confirm your order, and provide your contact information. Your Address and Phone Number so we can contact you in the quickest way in case there is a problem. This will ensure the fastest delivery for you our customer.

Please note all information that you provide is strictly confidential.

Shipping to Australia2018-07-03T10:18:30+00:00
Unfortunately, due to a security issue PayPal has asked our company to stop shipping our product to Australia because some orders were lost. This is very unacceptable to us.

The CEO of our company Lee found another solution.
In order to protect you our consumer and meet with the demands of PayPal we need to ship our product with higher priority UPS shipping.

The ECO Post is a lot more efficient and arrives sooner but it comes with a price. “Higher shipping cost and a Security tax charge”.
Our company ReleaseFree® has several warehouses in strategic locations, which guarantees that your order is delivered as quickly as possible. This is the reason we charge a taxation fee when shipping our product all over the world.

ReleaseFree® wishes you a complete recovery from the ganglion cyst.
CEO, Lee

Is there a way to have my order arrive sooner?2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00
Yes, we now offer Express Shipping (1-2 Weeks)

UPS Shipping (9-12 Days)

ECO (USPS Express shipping) which will arrive in 6-8 Days .

This does not include delays as a result of holidays or customs issues. We do not refund shipping.

What is the Difference between the gelatin and Veggie Capsules.2015-11-10T19:25:59+00:00

The gelatin caps are from a gelatin base. However, if you are a vegan we have good news. Our products are now available with veggie caps, which are made from 100% vegetarian source.

Difference Between Ganglion Cyst G-Relief Extra and Regular Strength Caps2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00
The major difference between the ganglion cyst G-Relief extra strength capsules and the The G-Relief regular strength capsules are the dosages. The extra strength capsules are 500 mg and the regular strength capsules are 400 mg. We give ten more pills for the same price to compensate for the weaker dosage. The regular strength G-Relief capsules are meant for anyone with a sensitive stomach.
G-Relief® wishes you a complete recovery from your ganglion cyst
How Does the G-Relief® Ganglion Cyst Cure work2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00

G-Relief®(Ganglion Cyst Cure Capsules) was developed with a revolutionary patent formula called I.B.V.S© Internal Blood Vascularization Systemtm

I.B.V.S© promotes blood flow internally. The concept is simple: Improve the blood flow and you will improve the healing process. This is the only way to cure ganglion cysts. Through I.B.V.S© G-Relief® capsules remove and dissolve the nucleus of ganglion cysts from  inside the body ensuring it never returns.
With the G-Relief®  extra strength capsules you will feel a warming sensation or ‘flushing effect.’ This means I.B.V.S© is assisting your body by gently and effectively removing and dissolving the nucleus of the ganglion cyst into your bloodstream without affecting any surrounding nerves or tendons.
Beware: There are lots of gimmicks and ineffective solutions (they’re still out there), but they truly  Do Not Worked.

How Long Will it Take For the G-Relief® Ganglion Cyst Capsules to Work2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00

Everybody’s metabolism operates differently and there are no sit rules. What is for sure is that by taking the G-Relief® capsules you are a lot closer to removing & dissolving the ganglion cyst then not. Finally, although some people find this medication acts quickly, for most it takes time to dissolve the cyst. If you have had the cyst for years, face it – it’s just not going to go away overnight. For most people, two months is enough to see results. However, for hard-core cases (Over A year old.) it can take as long as several more months. So patience is the word here.

Because Release Free® provides a permanent cure for ganglion cysts, it can take longer to work than some of the other temporary solutions. Even with surgery, the cyst grows back in up to 48% of all cases. For best results, you should use G-Relief® ganglion cyst cure for several months and you will no longer experience recurring cysts.

Which G-Relief® Product is Best Suited to Cure My Ganglion Cyst.2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00

[rev_slider FAQ] There are nine different G-Relief® products to choose from depending on the severity of your ganglion cyst. They range from Extra Strength 40-80 gelatin and or veggie caps for the more extreme cases and Regular Strength 50-90 gelatin caps for less extreme cases. To determine whether your ganglion cyst is extreme or not please refer to our Best Results page. 

Everybody’s metabolism operates differently and there are no set rules. What is for sure is that by following and taking the “G-Relief “ Capsules you are a lot closer to getting rid of the ganglion cyst than not. Finally, although some people find this medication acts quickly, for most it takes time to dissolve the cyst. If you have had the cyst for years, face it – it’s just not going to go away overnight. For most people, two months is enough to see results. However, for hard-core cases (Over A year old.) it can take as long as several more months. So patience is the word here. Because Release Free® provides a permanent cure for ganglion cysts, it can take longer to work than some of the other temporary solutions. Even with surgery, the cyst grows back in up to 48% of all cases. For best results, you should use G-Relief® ganglion cyst cure for several months and you will no longer experience recurring cysts.

What is your return policy2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00
We offer a full product refund within 30 days of the order date. In order to be eligible for the full refund please read our terms page. Returns should be sent by regular mail only. Please clearly mark the outside of your shipping box “RETURNED GOODS”. Courier companies will charge extra handling fees and customs fees for shipments, the post office does not. If you return your product by courier, we may accept and process the return. Your refund will be adjusted by any extra charges assessed by the courier company.

How do you ship the G-Relief® ganglion cyst cure product?2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00
We ship all USA and international orders via registered mail or a local international carrier with tracking.

How can I track my G-Relief ganglion cyst cure order?2018-11-28T14:03:05+00:00
Once your order is shipped, You will receive an additional email with your tracking information.

log into http://www.17track.net/en/ follow the instructions.

If there are any problems just give us a call. 24/7  1.908.372.0208

Contact Info. releasefree@ymail.com

G-Relief® wishes you a complete recovery from your ganglion cyst.

What is the difference between Express, UPS and USPS ECO Post shipping?2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00

With the growing sales and demands we are constantly improving  and innovating our relationship to you our customers.

We sell and ship directly to the customer from our 2 main locations one in Aurora USA and in Israel. This guarantees that your order will be delivered as quickly as possible. When one is out of stock, we ship from the other one.

Express Shipping (1-2 weeks)

UPS Shipping (10-12 Days)

USPS Eco Post (6-8 Days)

How long will it take to receive my order?2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00
In general it takes 1-2 weeks for most orders to arrive but since we ship worldwide our policy is 2-3 weeks.


I see that your product G-Relief® is FDA Registered. what is the difference between a product that is fda registered and one that’s not? is it important?2018-07-03T10:18:31+00:00
FDA registration is a big deal! Companies and products which hold FDA registration are held to a higher standard, which protects customers and results in greater quality products and services. There is a great range of differences between FDA and non-FDA registered products along the entire business process. By complying with the stringent FDA rules means our supplements are made with much more quality and we are committed to an honest selling environment for all our online customers.



FAQ'S G-Relief Caps Ganglion SURGERY Alternative. 100% Doctor Endorsed. Info: G-Relief.com

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