Testimonials From Our Customers
Ganglion Wrist Cyst
“I have already ordered my G-Relief Capsules for my a Ganglion cyst on my left wrist. I tripped while walking my dog and fell on both of my wrists. I felt a sharp pain shoot up my left arm. As soon as I arrived home I applied a cold comprise to relief the swelling. This I knew was only a temporary method of relief. After about three days I noticed a bump the size of a pea on the outer top of the left wrist.”
“My doctor diagnosed it as a ganglion cyst. He recommend to have it surgically removed. I immediately searched the internet for an alternative. When I came across your website I noticed how much information was on it. I had already been searching for a few days and after reading many other sites your had everything they plus your theory of why there is a 48% recurrence rate of ganglion wrist cysts. The G-Relief capsules dissolves the roots from the inside.”
“I first ordered the G-Relief 80 extra strength caps after 8 days I felt the pain subside a lot. I felt much better. After finishing 3/4 of the bottle the ganglion cyst shrunk about 1/2 the size.
This time I saw the G-Relief caps were working so I ordered the 150 extra strength capsules. After 1/2 the bottle it just disappeared and I have extra left over encase I ever need them.”
“You really help me out when nobody else did. It is a great feeling to rid of my ganglion wrist cyst. Thanks!”
Mr. Flauks Florida, United States